PrivacyForever is an exclusive and proprietary opt-out service, which has been developed and launched by PSAF as a result of many of our fellow officers and members continually identifying new databases, which continue to pop-up each year. As you know, databases continue to change their names and launch subsidiary companies with the sole purpose of buying, selling, and displaying you and your family's information. As a fully recognized California Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization, our mission continues to be to provide privacy protection to those who protect us. Therefore, we are offering this service at a minimal price and are actively working with all of our past, present, and future members in diligently facilitating the continued removal of all personal and family information from existing and new databases.
After Purchasing Our Privacy Protection Kit You Can Upgrade at Any Time!
Once an officer and his/her family have purchased the PrivacyForever membership, we will actively work with all existing and new companies that come to the market and will submit opt-out requests on behalf of the officer and his/her family. We continue to build great relationships with these databases and we are seeing our opt-out and our follow up response time decrease to days and sometimes within a few hours.
We will send you a notification within seven (7) days before billing your account. If your billing information is
correct, and you would like to keep the service, do nothing. If you'd like to change your billing information or
cancel your service you can do so at this time. Upon the anniversary date of your membership, we will bill your
credit card, and renew your account status. You will receive a confirmation invoice, just as you did for your
original Privacy Protection Kit.
We pay for all costs of printing, processing fees, and mailing these
After Purchasing Our Privacy Protection Kit You Can Upgrade at Any Time!
155 N. Lake Avenue, 8th Floor, Pasadena, CA 91101